Location: Darulaman Garrison, Kabul, Afghanistan
Description: Design-Build of one Officer Barrack, Two Administration Buildings, and four Enlisted Barracks, two Small Latrine Buildings, two Vehicle Maintenance Buildings, One MWR Building, One Large Latrine Building Two Classroom Buildings, Twelve Bunkers & Five Solid Waste Collection Points, Site Utilities and Misc.
Build Capabilities and Relevant Job Experience
SSSCC participated as the Subcontractor of USACE/Lakeshore for this contract and successfully completed and self-performed 100% of the project components. Work included design and construction of all structural, architectural, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, air compressor, site drainage, fire alarm, grounding and lightening protection system.
The scope of work also included the design and construction of the site utility networks (electrical, water & sewer). The electrical network included step-down transformers and switchgears.
Completion Date: May 30th, 2013